“The natural healing force within us is the greatest force in getting well.”
– Hippocrates
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is a complementary therapy that helps the body to restore balance and improve health & wellbeing. It involves applying finger or thumb techniques of varying pressure to specific points on the feet or hands called reflexes. These reflexes represent our organs, glands, systems and structures. In this way the hands and feet are ‘mini-maps’ of the body.
Reflexology aims to facilitate healing. Working the areas on the feet can help to release any blockages in the energy flow, thereby restoring normal balance or ‘homeostasis.’ By achieving a state of homeostasis, the body maintains a stable internal environment which helps it to heal and return to its balance after illness, stress or injury. Factors which the body needs to regulate in order to maintain homeostasis include temperature, pH, blood glucose levels, water and salt levels, calcium levels, blood pressure and hormonal balance.
When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.
Reflexology is a holistic therapy and is based on the idea that health is the result of harmony between the body, mind and soul. Any kind of stress, be it physical, psychological, social or environmental, can upset this and cause ‘dis-ease’. It is now widely acknowledged that most illness is stress-related.