About me

My journey to reflexology
I was an unlikely candidate to become a reflexologist as I have always been phobic about anyone touching my feet. Before I started my diploma in reflexology I had never been to a reflexologist for this very reason. I managed to overcome this while I was training to be a reflexologist. My diploma course placed a big emphasis on the importance of practicing reflexology on our peers and case studies throughout the course. I noticed a real improvement in my wellbeing and energy levels and continue today to have regular reflexology treatments.
As a graduate of International Marketing and Languages in DCU, my career background had been mostly analytical roles in the Financial Services sector. After taking a break from work when my children were young, the time came to start working again. I had enjoyed my earlier career path but I just felt now that I had something else in me. I was moving into a new chapter and wanted a job I could be passionate about and do for many years to come. I found this in reflexology and haven’t looked back.
I’ve had an interest in complementary therapies for a long time, having used homeopathy for many of my children’s childhood ailments and illnesses. It was some years later when I was introduced to a Japanese holistic therapy called ‘Jin Shin Jyutsu’. I had quite a few physical injuries at the time – neck pain, tennis elbow, hip tendonitis and a wrist injury all on one side of my body. None of these injuries were serious but all of them did cause some pain. Because of them I couldn’t do the things I loved to do like yoga or running anymore. Many months passed and there was no improvement. It was Jin Shin Jyutsu that made a difference in the end. I decided to learn more about it and was amazed at the scope of this type of therapy and at the incredible potential of the body to heal itself.
It was reflexology however that I finally chose to practice. What I like about this therapy is that just by working on the feet all the systems of the body can be helped. I am continually blown away by the incredible benefits reflexology has provided to not only me, but to my clients of all ages. As a holistic therapy it can help to address underlying problems to improve health as opposed to just firefighting isolated symptoms. In my experience, for many people, having reflexology can be a catalyst for starting to make changes to their lifestyle and putting health & wellbeing first. By focussing on the basics like eating a healthy diet, getting fresh air and exercise, getting enough sleep and managing our stress levels, we can go a long way to improving in our health and quality of life.
It is encouraging to see that reflexology is a therapy which is gaining more credibility and awareness and so can reach more people. There is increasing research to back up the beneficial effects of reflexology. The World Health Organisation now recognises it as an effective complementary healthcare practice. The major healthcare companies provide cover for reflexology, making it more accessible for clients who need regular treatments.